
What’s happening? The main question of alexithemia

Alexithymia – difficulty in transferring, verbal description of one’s condition. It can act as a personality characteristic, including the following features: difficulty in identifying and describing (verbalizing) one’s own emotions and the emotions of other people; difficulty in distinguishing between emotions and bodily sensations; decreased ability to symbolize, in particular to fantasy; focusing primarily on external events

Obtaining a flat image of my face on the scanner, more than ever, reflects the state of inexpressibility and the inability to explain the emotion. Just as it is impossible to see all the facial expressions in the image, so alexithymia does not allow expressing and describing emotions.

Alexithymia, as a feature of character, turns a person into a monotonous creature, the rejection of possible pain often entails the opposite side – the rejection of possible joy.
When unexpressed emotions accumulate inside, then at one moment overflows can occur and, as a result, bouts of hysteria and even aggression, so it is very important to learn to understand and express your emotions.
My project not only shows the peculiarity of this disease, but also gives me the opportunity to understand myself and answer the main question: What is happening?

01/19/2022 Day 1 Inexplicable anger and irritability, either PMS, or I can’t explain to myself why I’m angry. When asked what was happening now, she answered that I was angry and absolutely everything around me annoyed me. Why dont know.

01/20/2022 Day 2 Nothing, nothing explainable. Around emptiness.

01/21/2022 Day 3 Migraine attack, managed to stop with triptans. It’s hard to imagine what’s going on around.

01/22/2022 Day 4 The lower back hurts a lot, hernias make themselves felt. Maybe I’m upset, but that’s not for sure.

01/23/2022 Day 5 Sunday. Perhaps that says it all. You can sleep, this opportunity pleases.

01/24/2022 Day 6 An ordinary weekday, no different from the others. Everything is monotonous, boring, no emotions and sensations.

01/25/2022 Day 7 I have been bleeding from my nose for almost a whole day.

01/26/2022 Day 8 Finished watching the series The Bridge, what’s next? While empty.

01/27/2022 Day 9 Found a replacement, series Method…

01/28/2022 Day 10 Immersed in the world of the series, where is the real world?

01/29/2022 Day 11 Sleepy all the time

01/30/2022 Day 12 Sunday… Another useless day off

02/31/2022 Day 13 Children’s birthday is hell. It’s good that it ends.

02/01/2022 Day 14 Yoga helps to recover after a child’s birthday

02/02/2022 Day 15 The pool is still better soothing than yoga

02/03/2022 Day 16 I really want to sleep.

02/04/2022 Day 17 I visited a therapist, for the first time they measured the pressure) It can be seen because the doctor is young

02/05/2022 Day 18 I met a strange man on the street today. He was wearing a mask and carrying a briefcase, and the most interesting thing was that he had an unlit cigar in his hands. Why a cigar?