The Red Room

Sometimes I have very vivid dreams, so much so that when I wake up it is difficult to understand where the dream is and where the reality is.

In the 90s, many people processed and printed photos in the darkroom with red light on. Back then it seemed that there was a clear plan in everything; your life was under control. You mostly follow the paths that your family has outlined, you don’t really listen to your own desires.

Through performative photography, defocusing, through the dodge and burn techniques, submerged in maroon, you return to that familiar safety. Darkness and red light bring out the contrast. When the photo is transferred into black and white, all the details of the body like small veins and skin texture appear more vividly.

Artificial flowers are not real and not alive. They represent things that were imposed on us in childhood, hiding our true desires. In multi-exposure technique, where there is no clear plan and the final result is not exact, you get away from the total control of our past.

The Red Room is a meditation during which you are alone and able to hear your inner self. It gives you the opportunity to better understand that person inside.